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Lockie Leonard...Legend: Tim Winton (engl.)  200 S.
Artikel-Nr.: A341
Preis inkl. MwSt., zzgl. Versand / Price incl. VAT excl. Freight
Versandgewicht: 0,2 kg

Lockie Leonard has survived the worst year on record. His first year of high school, settling into a new town, his mad love affair - it's all behind him. He's about to turn fourteen and things are looking up. But the world of weirdness hasn't finished yet. His little brother's hormones have kicked in and that's not a pretty sight. His baby sister refuses to walk or talk - but eats anything in sight. His dad starts arresting farm animals for a hobby and his poor mum suddenly won't stop crying and seems to have checked out of the here and now. Right in the middle of this family shambles, an old flame comes scorching back into his life. Ouch! As his whole world goes down the gurgler, Lockie discovers things are never as simple as they seem. Not even for grommets.

Lockie's world turns upside down, but along the way, he finds out a lot more about himself than he ever realised was there.

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