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Bundoola: George Brown (engl.) 48 S.
Artikel-Nr.: B060
Preis inkl. MwSt., zzgl. Versand / Price incl. VAT excl. Freight
Versandgewicht: 0,2 kg

The territory of the Illawarra and South Coast Aborigines extends across the South Eastern region of NSW from LaPerouse to Kiah (Twofold Bay).
This Dreaming story tells of the significance of Beecroft Peninsula, Jervis Bay. Many South Coast people identify with this place because it was here that the Creator, Mirrigaal, took the dust of the Earth and created people. The ideas presented in this Dreaming story were retold by George Brown to the children of Kemblawarra Primary School near Devil's Hole, Beecroft Peninsula. The impact of this led to the production of this book.
Retold by George Brown. Adapted by Kim Cairns and Peter Houweling

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