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Cry of the Cat: Emily Rodda/Mary Forrest (engl.) 120 S.
Artikel-Nr.: B773
Preis inkl. MwSt., zzgl. Versand / Price incl. VAT excl. Freight
Versandgewicht: 0,2 kg

As they work at their new afternoon job at the local cat shop, Purrfection, Elmo and the rest of the Teen Power gang learn of more and more cats disappearing. Curious and worried, they decide they have to try and solve the mystery. Elmo knows that he has to find the cats before it's too late. Where are the cats going? Who is taking them? And why? They all have two things in common, they're adult and beautiful. Then Elmo's cat disappears and the search for the cat thief becomes desperate.

Grade levels 3-6

Australian author, Emily Rodda grew up in Sydney, Australia. She attended the University of Sydney and graduated in 1973. Her degree in English literature brought her a career in publishing until she wrote her first book, Something Special, in 1984. She has since gone on to write numerous fantasy series including the Deltora Quest series and the Raven Hill Mysteries. She has won several awards in her native Australia.

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