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Xenophobe's Guide to the Kiwis (engl.) 60 S. (NZ)
Artikel-Nr.: BR241k
Preis inkl. MwSt., zzgl. Versand / Price incl. VAT excl. Freight
Versandgewicht: 0,2 kg

By Christine Cole Catley and Simon Nicholson

What makes the Kiwis KIWI: A guide to understanding the Kiwis which explores their views and values with humour and insight.
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Straight laced and straight faced! A good Kiwi bloke plays things down and does not stand on ceremony. The rugby player who scores a try is no longer expected to look as if he is bravely accepting a death sentence but, other than in sport, emotion is not something to be shown in public, and not much in private either. A blokess is allowed more latitude. She is even expected by men to “carry on a bit.”

Optimists one and all. Whether or not there is a need to worry about something, the obliging Kiwis tell one another that it will be “good as gold,” “right as rain,” and “no prob” (short for problem), usually qualified by one of those great reassurers in any situation, “She'll be right,” or “Piece of cake.”

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