
Pflanzen und Tierwelt

Pflanzen und Tierwelt
Bücher zur mongolischen Pflanzen und Tierwelt

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ECO Nature Edition was founded as a branch of the ECO Consulting Group in January 2000, by Dr. Bernd Steinhauer-Burkart and Dr. Dietrich-Steve Sepp. By developing a series of national park guidebooks ECO Nature Edition contributes to the conservation of protected areas worldwide while at the same time supporting their inhabitants. For people in the areas, the sale of the travel books means an additional source of income. The local population gets trained in the sale of tourism products, and they themselves can obtain the guidebooks at a special price. To support the park management, a large number of books are made available to the national park authorities free of charge. Distinct characteristics of the series are the updated general maps in the middle of the booklets , the large number of colored high quality photographs , up-to-date information with the most important sources of research quoted in the back of the booklets, up-to-date city maps and scientifically exact information on fauna and flora. Additionally to the description of the treasures of nature, the people and their culture play an important role in the books. ECO travel guidebooks convince through their high quality of photographs and through the authenticity of their texts. Photographs and texts are selected in agreement with the nature conservation authorities responsible for the areas. The authorities also have the opportunity to introduce their national conservation strategy in the book’s foreword. The books’ A5 size and weight of 140g allow the reader to carry it easily with them. With their plastic cover, the books resist dust, sun, high humidity - and even the occasional drop of rain.
Erforschung Biologischer Ressourcen der Mongolei

Erforschung Biologischer Ressourcen der Mongolei


Martin-Luther Universität Halle Wittenberg, Halle (Saale)

ISSN 0440-1296